HAPPY 2015!

The new ski resort

Eiffel Tower, Champs de Mars, Paris, France

Here’s to an awesome New Year of beginnings, good tidings, cheer, possibilities and opportunities to manifest dreams.  It is with sincere gratitude that I want to thank each of my followers, visitors and viewers for comments, or simply stopping by.  It is much appreciated.

Thank you again, and may 2015 guide each of you toward the Cornucopia of abundance.



photo credit: <a href=”https://www.flickr.com/photos/setaou/15540190453/”>Herve “Setaou” BRY</a> via <a href=”http://photopin.com”>photopin</a&gt; <a href=”http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/”>cc</a&gt;


John William Waterhouse ~ Tristan and Isolde (1916)




John William Waterhouse ~ Miranda~The Tempest (1916)



300px-Antonio_de_Pereda_-_The_Knight's_DreamThe Knight’s Dream ~ Antonio de Pereda


The Dreaming, or timeless time, has different meanings for various Aboriginal groups, which are divided into more than 500 tribal groups. Dreamtime refers to the belief of Australian Aborigines that the world was created during the Dreamtime, and tribes people entered this imaginal realm through altered consciousness, dreams and death.

Dreamtime is considered the final destination before journeying to reincarnation. The rules and embodiment of Creation gives meaning to the collective.


A Dreaming is a story owned by different tribes, explaining the Creation, and is passed on as it is owned when people live according to tribal law, and lore. The songs, dances, and stories are transmissions or lineages of the Songlines, Murals of Dreaming or Creation. These transmissions are not to be painted without the authorization of the Dreaming’s owner. Otherwise, it is considered stealing.

Four Aspects of Dreamtime

  • The beginning of all things
  • The life and influence of the ancestors
  • The way of life and death
  • The sources of power of life

The four aspects of Dreamtime include a condition, “all-at-once” instead of the “one-thing-after-another” time, which is beyond time and space other than everyday life. Dreamtime is experienced as the past, present and future co-existing in altered states of consciousness.

When tribal members live according to tribal rules, they are initiated through rituals, and hearing the mythology of the tribe. 

The experience of Dreamtime may sound mystical or mysterious to the Western mind. It is based on comprehension and observable facts of social and mental life, which are unfortunately held with little regard in Western society. The present is observable as a result of past actions or events. Present society is based on a foundation of past great men and women’s heroic deeds.

 In Aboriginal tribes, and many ancient races, the past heroic deeds of ancestors are remembered with great veneration.

The tribal members believed the present life, personal skills and character of all members, arose out of the deeds and life of the ancestors, and passed on to the tribe in the present, which are held in the Dreamtime, beyond shifting events happening “one-after-the-other.” The belief that each individual’s life is eternal, and pre-existed, until becoming a living being born to the mother.

 Entering the Dreamtime

 The individual who enters the Dreamtime feels no separation between themselves, and the strengths and resources of their ancestors. The limitations of time and space are overcome through Dreamtime.

 Death in Dreamtime

Death is considered a cycle of life, and one emerges from Dreamtime through birth, and returns to the timeless, only to emerge again. It is a common belief that a person temporarily enters the Dreamtime during sleep.


The Aboriginal tribes are deeply connected and dependent upon their beliefs, strength, and the identity of their inner landscape, perhaps more than any race of recent times, and the inner world is an externalization of the individual’s landscape.

Aborigines are vulnerable to anything which disrupts their beliefs, and have a great psychic sense of wholeness and identity with their tribe and environment than is common in Western individuals.

Lastly, how do you resonate with Dreamtime? Do you call, sing, chant, journal, or visualize it into your consciousness?

Further Reading

  • Bruce Chatwin, The Songlines (Mr. Chatwin explores the Australian Aboriginal custom of “singing the world out of Dreamtime”)

  • Philip K. Dick, VALIS

  • David Gulpilil’s Stories of the Dreamtime.  Mr. Gulpilil is a tribal musician, dancer, writer, actor, of aboriginal descent, and appeared in the films,

    Crocodile Dundee I and II

  • Neil Gaiman, graphic novels, The Sandman

  • Alexia Wright, Carpentaria


The Oak tree is a living legend, and King of the Tree realm.  It is a tree of strength and protection.


Oaks are known for its size and longevity, and powerful life-affirming symbolic themes of fire, masculinity, durability, purity, constancy, crusader, robin, Stag, growth, doorway, call to adventure, security, pride, grace, primeval vigor, life, nurturing, wisdom, nobility, loyalty, power, longevity, honor, history, territoriality, ancestry, teacher, and knowledge.


The Oak’s tower of strength has a regal presence and tendency to attract lightning.  It is associated with the Celtic god, Eochaidh Ollathair (Dagda).  The Dagda possesses superhuman strength, endurance, agility, magical powers to open portals, grant power to mortals, hurl energy, and perceive phenomenon on a cosmic scale.  He has power, mystical potential and more superhuman strength than any Celtic god, and may be equal to Zeus and Odin in power.

Ancient Celts recognized and honored the Oak as a clear sign of its noble presence, endurance, massive growth, impressive expanse, and as a spiritual doorway.  The ancient Europeans wore oak leaves as a sign of special status.  Known for its high tannin content, it is resistant to fungus, and used for making doors and boats.

There are accounts that trace the name “druid” to duir, the Celtic term for the Oak.  The actual translation of duir is “door” and lore indicates that witches can access the ethereal planes of higher thought by using the Oak as a door into magical places.  Druids met in oak groves and ate acorns to ingest the ancient knowledge contained in them.  Mistletoe grows best on the Oak, and is the most sacred herb of the Druids.


File:HRSOA AlbertBierstadt-Storm in the Mountains.jpg


~ Albert Bierstadt



The Italian composer, orchestrator, conductor and former trumpet player, was born under the intensely penetrating Sun sign of Scorpio, on November 10, 1928, in Rome, Italy. He has written a wide range of composition genres, and contemporary classical works for more than five hundred films and television series, and his music has been used in over sixty award-winning films.

Maestro Morricone is a wizard of symbolic and lyrical mastery, and one of the world’s most versatile, prolific and influential motion picture composers of all time.

Duck You Sucker ~ Film: A Fist Full of Dynamite




In August 1914, a valiant British Expeditionary Force marched through Belgium to connect with French forces when suddenly and unexpectedly found themselves confronted by the main thrust of advancing German forces. During a massive attack by the Germans, the British troops, being heavily outnumbered and outflanked suffered many casualties, were forced to rapidly retreat.

The supernatural allies saved members of the British Army by leading them across a field to a hidden, sunken road to escape.


In September 1914, a Welsh author, named Arthur Machen published a fictional short story entitled “The Bowmen” in The Evening News, a London newspaper. He was inspired by accounts of World War I, the Battle at Mons, near Belgium, and an idea he had soon after.

The short story described phantom bowmen from the Battle of Agincourt summoned by a soldier calling on St. George to destroy German troops. Machen’s story was not, however, labeled as fortuitous fiction and the unintended result was that he received a number of requests to produce evidence, and sources for the story from his readers, who perceived it as the truth, or a hoax. Machen responded that it was imaginary, and had no desire to create a hoax.

The imaginary story snowballed into an urban legend, later becoming the “The Angels of Mons.” Other magazines requested permission to reprint the story, and for sources. However, Machen replied that he had none.


The Angels of Mons is an urban legend about the intervention of a spectral army of angelic warriors, that stood on the front lines between British and German armies. Over a period of six days, as the battle raged on, soldiers and officers reported that angels dressed in shining white garments appeared during the fierce battle.

The story was even told by German prisoners of ghostly bowmen, led by a tall figure on a white horse, who urged the British troops to move forward. The retreat and the battle were rapidly perceived by the British public as being a key moment in the war.


Let us bow our heads, and give thanks, in remembrance for the valor and sacrifice of those who bravely served in the Armed Forces, and currently, along with their families for continuous sacrifice to keep our country safe.

Thank a Veteran, today!



The ethereal sound of Anuna

Meav Ni Mhaolchatha ~ The Sea

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